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F X Y F X F Y Continuous at 0

1. Continuity of a Function:

A function is said to be continuous on the interval a , b , if it is continuous at each point in the interval.

2. Continuity of a Function at a Point:

A function f x is said to be continuous at x = a if lim x a f x = f a . Symbolically, f is continuous at x = a , if f a - h = f a + h = f a , h > 0 , i.e., (LHL = f ( a ) = RHL).

3. Discontinuity of a Function:

A function is discontinuous at a point x = a , if it is not continuous at that point.

4. Reasons for Discontinuity of a Function at a Point:

All discontinuity points are divided into discontinuities of the first and second kind.

The function f x has a discontinuity of the first kind at x = a , if there exists left-hand limit f x and right-hand limit f x , or these one-sided limits are finite.

Further, there may be the following two options:

(i) The right-hand limit and the left-hand limit are equal to each other. Such point is having removable discontinuity.

(ii) The right-hand limit and the left-hand limit are unequal. In this case, the function f x has a jump discontinuity.

The function f x is said to have a discontinuity of the second kind (or a non-removable or essential discontinuity) at x = a , if at least one of the left hand or right hand or both either does not exist or is infinite.

5. Removable Type of Discontinuities:

In case lim x a f x exists but is not equal to f a , the function is said to have a removable discontinuity or discontinuity of the first kind. In this case, we can redefine the function such that lim x a f x = f a , and make it continuous at x = a . Removable type of discontinuity can be further classified as:

(i) Missing point discontinuity:

Where lim x a f x exists but f a is not defined.

(ii) Isolated point discontinuity:

Where lim x a f x and f a exists but lim x a f x f a

6. Non-Removable Type of Discontinuities:

In case lim x a f x does not exist, then it is not possible to make the function continuous by redefining it. Such discontinuity is known as non-removable discontinuity or discontinuity of the 2nd kind. Non-removable type of discontinuity can be further classified as:

(i) Finite type discontinuity: In such type of discontinuity, left-hand limit and right-hand limit at a point exists but are not equal.

(ii) Infinite type discontinuity: In such type of discontinuity, at least one of the limits viz. L H L and R H L is tending to infinity.

(iii) Oscillatory type discontinuity: In such type of discontinuity, the limits oscillate between two finite quantities.

7. Ways to Remove a Removable Discontinuity:

Function f has a removable discontinuity at x = a , if lim x a f x = L (for some real number L) but f a L .

We remove the discontinuity at a by defining a new function as follows:

g x = f x , if x a and g x = L if x = a

For all x other than a , we see that g x = f x . So, g is continuous.

8. Properties of Continuous Functions:

If the function f and g are continuous at c , then

f + g is continuous at c ;

f - g is continuous at c ;

f . g is continuous at c ;

f g is continuous at c , if g c 0 and is discontinuous at c , if g c = 0 .

If f is continuous at g x 0 and g is continuous at x 0 , then f o g is continuous at x 0 .

9. Continuity of Composite Functions:

Assume that f is continuous at a and g is continuous at f a , then the composite function h = g o f is continuous at a .

10. Continuity in an Interval:

A function is said to be continuous in an interval, when the function is defined at every point on that interval and undergoes no interruptions, jumps, or breaks.

If some function f x satisfies these criteria from x = a to x = b , we say that f x is continuous on the interval a , b .

11. Intermediate-Value Theorem:

If f x is continuous on a closed interval a , b and c is any number between f a and f b , inclusive, then there is at least one number x on the interval a , b such that f x = c

12. Differentiability of a Function:

A function f is differentiable at x , if lim h 0 f x + h - f x h exists, i.e., the graph of f has a non-vertical tangent line at x , f x .

13. Concept of Tangent/ Normal and its Association with Derivability:

(i) Tangent

A tangent at a point on the curve is a straight line that touches the curve at that point and whose slope is equal to the gradient/derivative of the curve at that point.

(ii) Normal

A normal at a point on the curve is a straight line that intersects the curve at that point and is perpendicular to the tangent at that point.

14. Relationship between Differentiability and Continuity:

All differentiable functions are continuous, but not all continuous functions are differentiable. So, for a function to be differentiable at x = a , it is necessary for the function to be continuous at x = a .

Similarly, if a function is not continuous at x = a , then it is not differentiable at x = a .

15. Properties of differentiable functions:

If f , g : ( a , b ) R are differentiable at c ( a , b ) and k  is a constant, k R , then

(i) k f , f + g , and f g are differentiable at c ,

(ii) ( k f ) ' ( c ) = k f ' ( c ) ,

(iii) f + g ' c = f ' c + g ' c ,

(iv) f g ' c = f ' c g c + f c g ' c ,

(v) If g c 0 , then f g is differentiable at c .

16. Rolle's Theorem:

Suppose f x is a function that satisfies the following:

(i) f x is continuous on the closed interval a , b ,

(ii) f x is differentiable on the open interval a , b ,

(iii) f a = f b , then there is a number c such that a < c < b and f ' c = 0 , or in other words f x has a critical point in a , b .

17. The Mean Value Theorem:

Suppose f x is a function that satisfies both of the following:

(i) f x is continuous on the closed on the interval a , b ,

(ii) f x is differentiable on the open interval a , b ,

then, there is a number c such that a < c < b and f ' c = f b - f a b - a

f b - f a = f ' c b - a


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